Personalized VR Platform Contact Our Team

Personalized VR


Our BovineVR headset, tailored specifically for cows, delivers an engaging and soothing virtual reality environment that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and contributes to higher milk yields.

MooRacle uniquely combines immersive VR and advanced IoT technology to enhance cow well-being and productivity in dairy farming. We deliver personalized, adaptive VR experiences, comprehensive monitoring, and a focus on sustainability and innovation. Our dedicated support team is always available to help you maximize your farm’s potential. Experience the MooRacle difference and redefine dairy farming’s future.



IoT Sensor Data on Cows

MooRacle’s IoT platform uses a combination of wearable and environmental sensors to collect real-time data on each cow’s physiological and behavioral patterns. This data provides valuable insights into the cows’ health, well-being, and overall happiness, helping farmers identify any potential issues early on and tailor their care accordingly.


Milk Production Information

Alongside cow data, the platform also gathers information on milk production, including the quantity and quality of milk produced. This information is crucial in helping farmers understand the factors that influence milk yield and make informed decisions to maximize productivity.


Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences

Based on the insights gained from the IoT sensor data and milk production information, MooRacle’s platform curates personalized VR experiences for each cow using the BovineVR headset. These immersive experiences are designed to enhance cow happiness and well-being, reducing stress and promoting positive hormonal responses that contribute to increased milk production.


Integration and Analytics

The MooRacle platform brings all these elements together through its robust analytics dashboard, which offers farmers a comprehensive view of their herd’s performance and well-being. The dashboard allows for data-driven decision-making, enabling farmers to adjust their strategies and practices to optimize cow care and milk production further.

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